
Brooklyn Rape

Rape means that a person has had sexual intercourse with another person without their consent. The law defines someone who can give consent as a person at least 17 years old who is mentally sound. There are some exceptions where having sex with a minor is legal, but you should talk to our Brooklyn Rape Lawyer from Stephen Bilkis and Associates, PLLC to find out exactly where the law draws the line.

According to recent data, sex crime rates are increasing in New York, with rape being the most prominent. The two forms of rape crimes which are committed more than any other are Statutory Rape and Spousal rape, which typically involves some type of domestic violence.

Rape is considered a felony, and like other felony crimes, there are three degrees of rape that a person can be charged with: First Degree Rape, Second Degree Rape and Third Degree Rape. Although each of these is considered to be a felony, prison sentences will vary depending on the charge; for example, Rape 1 (a B felony) can carry a prison term of up to 25-years.

The prosecution of rape crimes is handled by the Kings County District Attorney in Brooklyn. This office has a special bureau set up to handle sex crime, including sex with a minor, forcible touching, sex abuse, Sexual assault, sodomy, child pornography, and similar sex crimes.

As mentioned, statutory rape cases are increasing, and you've likely seen many lurid cases on the evening news involving teachers who have sex with underage students. According to most District Attorneys, the gender of the parties doesn't matter when it comes to prosecuting the case. Most District Attorneys view the teachers as sexual predators and will most likely prosecute them aggressively, which is why it's important to have an equally aggressive Brooklyn Rape Lawyer defending you if you're caught up in a sex crime case.

Another type of rape case that garners a lot of attention is date rape, or forcible rape. Date rape is often a case of one person’s word against the other’s, and when alcohol or drugs are involved it can be very tricky to defend. If you are accused with date rape, you're going to need an experienced Brooklyn Rape Lawyer on your side.

For an evaluation of your Rape Charge, call our office at 800.696.9529 to speak with a qualified New York Sex Crimes Lawyer. Call us now to schedule your free consultation. We can discuss possible defense strategies with you. Our New York City offices serve clients throughout the five boroughs of New York City including Brooklyn, the Bronx, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island, as well as Westchester County. Our Long Island offices support our clients in Nassau County and Suffolk County.